Aren’t you ready to get off the struggle bus and get blissfully productive?

The 90 Days to Organizational Bliss is designed to teach you how to acquire time management skills, plan your daily business and personal life, and prepare your business to grow like crazy without growing the to-do list.

You’ll learn out of the box methods to finally getting productive, setting your goals (for business and life), and reducing the time you spend in your business.

No BS, generalized, and cookie cutter advice and tips that don’t always work. You’ll get personalized support and knowledge to help you design the schedule and business system you’ve always wanted. I’m here to help you re-shift your mindset and habits to get you more productive and build your dream business.

You will walk away with a full business system in place, saving up to 30 hours of free time a month for however you want to spend it, and the peace of mind that you need to succeed in running your amazing business.

Ready to save 2+ hours a week right now?

Studies show we waste 1.5 hours a day or more on tasks that don’t highly impact our business

That’s 3 weeks or more a year that we are throwing into the garbage. And the truth is, we’ll never get that time back.

You know that you’re ready to get productive and build that amazing business. You want to stop going to bed and wake up dreading the work you have to do every day. And to top it off, that to-do list just keeps growing, making you feel like you’ll never catch up.

You’re done with BS, cookie cutter advice that doesn’t work, and want a uniquely YOU method that inspires and motivates you, every. single. day.

You want to find that balance between running a business, taking care of you, spending time with family, and doing the things you love. You’re done struggling to keep up with your business. You’re wondering if it’s even possible at all, or are you destined to hustle for the rest of your life?

You tend to pile on the tasks in your to-do list, have trouble sticking to a schedule, and miss important appointments, deadlines, and items that promote exponential business growth.

Let’s say YES to ourselves today!

This coaching program is made for…

⭐️ Busy entrepreneurs, small business owners, and working moms

⭐️ Entrepreneurs who want to grow their business and make money without sacrificing their time and energy

⭐️ Small business owners ready to step into the leadership role

Aren’t you ready to get that dream schedule?

The 90 Day Curriculum:

  • This is where we build a strong foundation by understanding how your energy and mindset drive your productivity. Everyone is different, so should their system for tackling productivity and a growth mindset. This is all about finding the root cause of any productivity issues to find solutions that will actually work.

  • Learn to build a task list based on my personal method that will help you get more done in less time. Also, incorporate simple mindset strategies for when things get rough or a bit busy.

  • We’ll also focus on simple routines that help inspire, motivate, and get you going every day. No more snoozing and rushing in the morning! End each day knowing you crushed it and feel amazing about tomorrow coming your way.

Month 1: Mastering Energy and Mindset

  • This month is all about making time management and productivity fun and playful. We will create productivity systems that flow with your energy, not against it. This makes it easier to create the schedule of your dreams.

  • We’ll also use a bit of magic to create systems that will be a breeze for you to maintain. You’ll learn how to use my tried and true task management tool to stay on track, along with creating habits that highly impact your business for growth.

  • Learn how to include yourself in your schedule and how to balance work and life.

Month 2: Crafting Energized Systems

Month 3: Organize Your Business, Organize Your Life

  • We’ll create sustainable business organization systems that align with your energy and vision.

  • Make sure your business is ready to grow and make money without packing your to-do list. Learn how to delegate (even if you are a team of 1!) and schedule time for yourself in the mix.

  • Get recommendations and full set-up assistance as we get your business ready to become the one you’ve dreamed about!

  • See where you are spending your time and where you can adjust or decrease it to start growing your free time.

Aloha! I’m Jackie Murakami!

I’m THE recovering procrastinator and twin mom who found productivity a hilarious fantasy as I drowned in business and life. Yikes!

You should know I’m not like most Online Business Managers. I’m a crazy fun productivity and time management coach. I approach time management and productivity with a very unique take: the generic BS from most people sucks and doesn’t work.

Lately, it seems like being a female entrepreneur has become more of a soul crushing hustle than a being your own boss and living your life as you want.

It just makes me wanna throw my laptop into the overly stuffed garbage can. While I’m a huge advocate for the basic methods of productivity and time management, what we’re missing is the balance between focusing on time and getting truly productive so that you can finally finish your day at 1pm without dread for the next day, week, month, or even the whole damn year!

And luckily, I’m the hostess with the mostest who’s gonna teach you exactly how to make that your reality!

✅ You finished your work day at 1pm. Every. Single. Day.

✅ You didn’t dread the following work week because you knew exactly what was coming and how you’ll handle it.

✅ Unfinished tasks didn’t create anxiety and frustration, because you had a plan that will work for you.

✅ The systems and processes you have in place give you a peace of mind as your business grows.

Imagine this:

You’re 90 days away from this becoming YOUR reality!

Are you ready for this?